
Dermal Fillers

Offered by Treat Yourself Aesthetic Studio
Spas/Beauty/Personal Care
Dermal fillers can address a range of age-related cosmetic issues, including depleted lip volume, sunken cheekbones, tear troughs, wrinkles and lines, acne scarring, loss of definition in the jawline, and many other common aesthetic concerns.

VI Peel

Offered by Treat Yourself Aesthetic Studio
Spas/Beauty/Personal Care
The VI Peel is a skin-resurfacing chemical peel that stimulates collagen and increases cellular turnover to reveal smoother and more radiant skin. VI Peel belongs to a category of cosmetic treatments known as chemical peels. Chemical peels are...

Lip Flip

Offered by Treat Yourself Aesthetic Studio
Spas/Beauty/Personal Care
A lip flip is a treatment designed to give you fuller-looking lips without the need for dermal fillers. As we age, the upper lip shrinks and begins to vanish when smiling. By injecting BOTOX into the Cupids bow, a lip flip gently relaxes the...


Offered by Treat Yourself Aesthetic Studio
Spas/Beauty/Personal Care
Dynamic wrinkles form as a result of repetitive everyday facial expressions such as laughing, squinting, frowning, and smiling. They are a natural component of the aging process, but many clients are ready to take back control and are unwilling...

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